Email encryption software for mac and windows
Email encryption software for mac and windows

email encryption software for mac and windows

Will encrypt the email message, regardless of the Outlook version being used.For example, “ Requested data” or “Requested Data ”. The subject line can contain other text as well. Allows you to encrypt an email by putting the word “secure” in square brackets anywhere in the subject line.the Outlook web application (Office 365) versus the Outlook desktop client for Mac versus PC).

email encryption software for mac and windows email encryption software for mac and windows

Note that available options will vary depending on the version of Outlook you are using (e.g.Other options may restrict a recipient’s ability to modify, forward, or even print a message.With certain options, the recipient’s email address (Tufts versus non-Tufts address) will determine whether or not a message can be decrypted, opened and read.Gmail) about sensitive topics, additional encryption options are available. When more security is desired or when emailing non-Tufts email addresses (e.g.Gmail) and allowing students, faculty, and staff to safely share private information with each other when appropriate. Messages between Tufts email accounts are encrypted by default, making them more secure than regular email (e.g.

Email encryption software for mac and windows